iENTRANCE at the NanoInnovation 2024

001 2023

The iENTRANCE@ENL project is excited to be a part of NanoInnovation2024, a premier national conference for nanotechnology taking place September 9th to 13th, 2024, at the historic San Gallo cloister at Sapienza University of Rome's Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering.

A Hub for Innovation in Nanotechnology

NanoInnovation2024 brings together researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs, and investors from across Italy's nanotechnology community. This year's event focuses on fostering innovation in nanomedicine, nanomaterials, energy, and related fields, aiming to maximize the return on investment in research and higher education.

The event is promoted by the Italian Association for Industrial Research (AIRI) and the NanoItaly Association, in collaboration with iENTRANCE@ENL partners:

  • National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM)
  • University of Rome La Sapienza
  • Polytechnic University of Turin
  • Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK)
  • National Research Council (CNR)

The iENTRANCE@ENL Contribution

The iENTRANCE@ENL project will actively participate in the conference program through various sessions:

  • Round Table Discussion: "Platforms and Open Access Research Infrastructures for Technology Transfer"

  • School on Nanotechnology: The Italian Network for Micro and Nano Fabrication (It-fab) presents "PNRR Research Infrastructures" led by Dr. Vittorio Morandi, Scientific Coordinator of iENTRANCE@ENL at CNR-ISMN.

  • Workshop: "Emerging Materials and Technologies for a Sustainable Society" featuring a presentation on iENTRANCE@ENL by Dr. Vittorio Morandi, Scientific Coordinator at CNR-ISMN. The workshop will explore the project's role as a research infrastructure for the energy transition and circular economy within the NextGenEU Program.

  • Additional Schools and Workshops:
    • "FAIR Data - OPEN Data" led by Francesca De Chiara, Technologist at CNR-IMM, Bologna.
    • Open Innovation & Open Science workshops on various topics including:
      • "Implementation and Sustainability of the Research Infrastructures' Ecosystem" chaired by Dr. Vittorio Morandi
      • "Open Science and Open Innovation: guidelines and application" chaired by Francesca De Chiara
      • "Technology transfer, Industrial Research and Technological Infrastructures for Innovation" chaired by Alfredo Picano, IR Manager at CNR-IMM

  • YoungInnovation Sessions: Explore cutting-edge research in areas like:
    • Nanomaterials for catalytic processes
    • Photochemistry and photophysics in energy conversion
    • Flexible devices for energy storage
    • Next-generation semiconductors for power electronics
    • Machine learning in materials science
    • Hybrid and composite nanomaterials for energy

  • BreakOut Sessions: Participate in discussions on:
    • Circular Economy approach for materials science
    • FAIR Data

Event Participation and Information